Procurement Management Strategies and System
In 2022, PTG established a sustainable supply chain management strategy with a focus placed on comprehensive supply chain management, covering the selection of potential business partners and ethical business conduct. With the strategy, the Company will be able to adapt to changes that affect sustainability and empower business partners to sustainably conduct their business and grow together in the long run. There are five strategies to be implemented as follows:
The following five strategies are thus executed.
1. Vendor Management Standard Provide a vendor management standard applicable to acquisition, potential assessment, retention, and risk management to ensure that the procurement process is carried out effectively and respond to higher product demands, as well as to reassure that products and services delivered meet the required quality and are in compliance with policies, regulations, operational standards, and the objectives of the company.
2. Accountable vendor procurement and assessment The company works on acquiring and recruiting productive and credible vendors while also adhering to assessment criteria to maintain the Approved Vendor List. In addition to product quality/safety, pricing, and quality of deliverables, the company also places importance on the management of ESG issues of the vendors, which encompasses environmental impact management, good labor practices—such as prohibitions on child labor, fair wages and benefits, preventing forced labor and human trafficking, respecting freedom of association and collective bargaining, and ensuring harassment-free and non-discriminatory practices—as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations to sustainably enhance the performance of business operations, both of the company and the vendors.
3. ESG Risk Management Outline a vendor ESG risk assessment, of which the criteria will be based on the nature of each business field, and also actively evaluate the vendors and monitor their operations.
4. Cost Optimization Committed to providing an excellent work process by consolidating data management to systematically classify products and vendors through technology usage to enhance each step of the procurement process. Moreover, the company prioritizes transparency, accountability, cost reduction, and minimization of errors.
5. Relationship Development Develop strong and trusting relationships with vendors while also identifying business growth and expansion opportunities, both in terms of innovation and the development of sustainability potential through knowledge exchange between organizations.
Download Supplier Code of Conduct
Download Supplier Acquisition and Procurement Policy
Suppler Classification (Critical tier 1 Supplier)
PTG has developed a supply chain risk management process, covering suppliers in both oil and Non-oil businesses by categorizing them into: suppliers directly engaging in a business with the Company (Tier 1 Suppliers), key suppliers of the Company (Critical Tier 1 Suppliers), and suppliers indirectly engaging in a business with the Company (Critical Non-oil 1 Suppliers) based on the following criteria:
1. Volumes of purchase
2. Importance of products/services to the Company's business
3. Level of dependence on the supplier; or substitution of products
Supplier’s ESG Risk Assessment and Audit
PTG has a sustainability risk assessment for its suppliers, covering both oil and Non-oil businesses, based on the sustainability risk assessment criteria in the dimensions of both likelihood and ESG risk impacts, which cover economic, societal, and environmental issues. For instance, risks of environmental impacts caused by suppliers’ businesses, surrounding community risks caused by business establishments or facilities, risks caused by delayed delivery of goods/services, etc. When becoming aware of the high-risk and very high-risk groups of suppliers, the Company shall conduct an environmental, social, and corporate governance audit (ESG Audit) to ensure that the risks encountered are properly managed.
Definition of Suppliers with High Sustainability Risks

Performance in 2023
Result of Supplier Classification and Analysis
Type of Supplier |
Number of Supplier |
Purchase Proportion (Percent) |
Tier-1 Suppliers |
966 | 100 |
Critical Tier-1 Suppliers |
65 | 6.73 |
Critical Non-tier 1 Suppliers |
6 | - |
Results of Cost Analysis
Year | Procurement Costs | Unit |
2019 | 13.17 | Billion Baht |
2020 | 11.91 | Billion Baht |
2021 | 22.68 | Billion Baht |
2022 | 35.15 | Billion Baht |
Expenses Classified by Business Type
ปีงบประมาณ | Oil Business | Non-oil Business | Unit |
2022 | 29.71 | 5.40 | Billion Baht |
2023 | 29.70 | 5.42 | Billion Baht |
Results of Supplier Sustainability Risk Assessment 2022
Type of Supplier | Results |
Tier-1 supplier |
149 Suppliers |
High-risk suppliers |
9.39% |
Supplier ESG Assessment Results
Collaborative Development Plan with Suppliers
Following the completion of the ESG assessment for suppliers, PTG has developed a joint corrective action plan with suppliers whose ESG performance does not meet PTG's assessment criteria. Additionally, there is sharing and support of crucial practices for suppliers through the PTG Knowledge Sharing activity: ESG for Sustainability through the Supply Chain. This event is conducted online via video conferencing to facilitate convenient access for all suppliers. The objective is to encourage suppliers to operate in accordance with various sustainability standards that can be benchmarked against competitors in the market. Moreover, there is support for suppliers' promotion and improvement of social, governance, and environmental aspects through both remote processes and on-site interventions. For example, during ESG assessments, PTG provides recommendations and suggestions to enhance suppliers' ESG operational processes. Training sessions are also conducted to impart knowledge on safety and occupational health at work for contractors and supplier companies. This includes technical deep-dive support programs to enhance the capabilities and efficiency of suppliers in the realm of ESG.
Trade Credit Policy and Term
The Company has a credit management policy. which has established criteria and credit procedures for each business unit that can compete and compare with competitors By considering the overall period of money received and paid to be consistent. and has no effect on financial liquidity The company has also taken into account the costs and financial risks that may arise from future exchange rates.
Financial Ratio (Days) |
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | Average 3 years |
Average debt collection | 1.21 | 1.07 | 1.08 | 1.06 | 1.01 |
Average debt payment | 13.30 | 11.12 | 11.45 | 14.89 | 14.32 |
The company determines the payment period for its partners within 30 days. In 2023, the company has an average debt collection period of 1.21 days and an average payment period of 13.30 days, which is within the criteria set by the policy.